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What we’re about

We are a joyous group of ladies that like to wander the woods, enjoy wildlife, and share a few laughs along the way.
We also might take in a movie, go to brunch, lunch or maybe share dinner together if that sounds interesting to anyone. I might even start a bookclub if there's enough interest.

Richmond and the surrounding area are full of interesting places to visit, the MFA, all the mansions, lots to explore and see.

I have only a few rules here. You have to have a first and last name and a recent picture of yourself in order to join. And you have to join us at least once every 6 months and pay $8.00 every Sept for the Meetup annual dues. Of course walk with us a few times before you decide.
We are not a fast group, there are lots of fast Meetup groups around. We walk 3 miles an hour, and not more than 4 miles. And the lengths we go won't be more than 4 miles.. Mostly easy to moderate trails , I prefer woodland trails, to pavement, trees rather than light poles.

We also love to bring our friendly, well trained non aggressive dogs. So if you'd like to walk with a bunch of kind women who would just like to make new friends, then leave the complaints behind, along with negativity and judgement, and join some ladies for a walk, a cuppa and a smile.

Upcoming events (4+)

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