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What we’re about

The WLS Book Club meets once a month in a pub near shul to discuss a book with some connection to Jewish culture or religion, however tenuous. Our past meetings have included fiction and non-fiction, contemporary and classic books by British and international authors. Our book each month is decided by consensus and we encourage new participants to make suggestions. Our members include both aspiring writers and aspiring kibbitzers. If you enjoy reading even a little then please come along.

Our past books have included

    "Hope: A Tragedy" (Shalom Auslander)

    "The Memory Chalet" (Tony Judt)

    "The Trial" (Franz Kafka)

    "Swimming Home" (Deborah Levy)

    "Badenheim 1939" (Aharon Appelfeld)

    "The Blue Mountain" (Meir Shalev)

    Short Stories - Etgar Keret

    "To the end of the Land" (David Grossman)

    "Rosalind Franklin - the Dark Lady of DNA" (Brenda Maddox)

    "Goodbye Columbus" and other short stories (Philip Roth)

    "The Magician of Lublin" (Isaac Baashevis Singer)

    "From the City, From the Plough" (Alexander Baron)

    "The Yiddish Policemen's Union" (Michael Chabon)

    "The Finkler Question" (Howard Jacobson)

    "Rhyming Life and Death" (Amos Oz)

    "The Hare with the Amber Eyes" (Edmund de Waal)

    "Daniel Deronda" (George Eliot)