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What we’re about

When you come to West Side Talkers, You Don't Just Get A Toastmasters Public Speaking Club, You get An Experience!

At West Side Talkers You get A One-Stop-Shop For All Your Public Speaking Needs.

Our comprehensive program at West Side Talkers is designed to help you develop your public speaking skills, more quickly and efficiently. - And all this while having Fun! Here is a quick snapshot of what we do at West Side Talkers that is an enhancement of our Toastmasters program. (No other Toastmasters club typically includes this in their program.)

1. Public Speaking Tip of The Day:

Our public speaking tip is given by Lewis Roth who is the founder of our club and is also a Certified World Class Public Speaking Coach. In this segment you will discover new speaking tips that you can immediately implement in your very next speech.

2. Commercial Minute:

This part of our program helps you develop your 60 second "elevator speech." As a former member of a renowned professional networking group, Lewis Roth has created over 100 unique 60 second commercials for his business. At West Side Talkers You get to learn from a World Class Speaker and coach on how to create your very own unique 60 second commercials.

3. Improv Comedy:

This is one of the hottest parts of our club meeting! As advanced improvisers, Lewis Roth and Sam Higgins bring their experience from the world of theater to help you develop your spontaneity, your emotions and characterization to help you become a public speaker that captivates and engages their audience. We actually do "real" improv at our club meetings!

The three items listed above, you will not typically find at any other Toastmasters Club. At West Side Talkers we do everything that the Toastmasters program has to offer: (Prepared Speeches, Evaluations, Table Topics, Word of the Day and more.) But we don't stop there, we go above and beyond!

Come To Our Next West Side Talkers Meeting and Experience it For Yourself!