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What we’re about

This group is focused on getting together with others and our dog (all pets welcome) with the purpose of socializing at different events and making new friends with similar interests in the process. Events may be in a park or at a venue. Some events will have an animal size limit.
While there is no member age requirement, our events are focused on 45+.
All events will be dog-friendly. Any other pet is venue-dependent.

--> You do not need to have a dog or pet to join; simply to like being around them. They are good therapy.


  • You must have a CLEAR PHOTO of only yourself
  • You AGREE to have your pet/dog on a (non-retractable) leash or bag/cage at all times for everyone's safety
  • You AGREE that the Organizer and any event host is not responsible for any injuries to you or your pet/animal
  • If you sign up and need to cancel, please respect my time and kindly give 4 hours notice
  • If you are not sure to attend an event, simply write "maybe" in the comments (not applicable to reserved events)
  • NO SHOWS are taken seriously. If at any time you have more No shows than attendance, you will be removed from the group immediately
  • Emergencies happen, in which case please contact me within 24 hours to avoid being removed
  • Do not CRASH an event with a limit or a reservation; it is a disruption to everyone
  • Please respect the privacy of others, and ask before taking pictures or videos

If making the decision to join...we look forward to meeting you!
If you no longer agree with the contents, please feel free to remove your membership. Thank you.