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What we’re about

A campaign to create a makerspace for Wicklow, where anyone with common interests, such as art, crafts, computers, diy, electronics, machining, robotics, science, technology and more; can meet, socialise and collaborate.

I've been following the makerspace/hackerspace scene for over a decade and I admire what TOG have done for the scene in Dublin but unfortunately visits to either of the closest spaces to me of TOG or SEMS would require a 4/5 hour round trip reliant on public transport. This might be fine for the occasional weekend but rules out regular trips and weekdays visits.

Having met many of you, I know there is a diverse community of makers with a variety of interests based in County Wicklow.

Rather than bemoan the lack of a space locally, I am now willing to devote the effort and time required and I hope others will join me in this endeavor. Together we can starting planning and organising with the aim of setting up a makerspace in County Wicklow.

For those who cannot help out I would still like to invite you to join us on this journey to gauge the interest and gather feedback.

I envision this will be a long journey but in the meantime please join and follow us on our various channels and share the projects you are working on. #wicklowmakers.

-Niall, Wicklow Makers (TBD)