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What we’re about

Support and social group for anyone who has lost a significant other too soon. Gather for sharing, mutual support, friendship and healing. This is the place to come to share your story and find help dealing with the significant changes a partner's death brings. We are all widowed folks looking to move forward. WE UNDERSTAND!

Generally we have two meetups per month: a meeting with a topical presentation, and a more social dinner. Other, more informal activities are encouraged through our group Facebook page (the link will be provided when you are approved). Though no age restriction is enforced, most members are in their 40s, 50s & early 60s.

**We know it sounds obvious, but you MUST be a verified widow/widower to join this group. Those who lost a significant other or partner are welcome to join, you do not have to have been married. We are a supportive place to be in the most difficult time. We value our members privacy but we do verify that someone is indeed a widow or widower. This meetup group is set to private which means only members can see who is a member. Please provide your significant other’s first and last name, or a link to your their obituary. We need to check this first and then we can approve your membership in YWW. If there was no obituary or death notice made public we will accept a death certificate that has your name on it, contact us and we will provide you a way to send us a picture of the death certificate. We understand this aspect of joining can be difficult, but we must keep the group safe for all our members.

And please be aware, this is NOT a "singles" group. There exist plenty of other sites for that purpose. If this is your intention by joining, we will be forced to remove & block you from our site. If you meet someone here that is okay with us, but it is not our purpose.**