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What we’re about

Do you want to push yourself and achieve goals and do you have at least some outdoor experience? Then this group might be for you.

Unlike other groups, we don't do urban hikes, stair climbs, or large group hikes on groomed trails.

We're about pushing the limits and doing things others don't do. However, our first priority is safety. And, we don't go that fast: we get the goal at our own pace as long as it's safe. Unlike the L.A. Hiking Group, if someone can't continue, we'll make sure they're taken care of. We focus on safety, not on shaving a minute off the time it takes to do something.

We're martinets about safety, not about setting a Strava record.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, then join this group. We're also very open to suggestions, so don't hesitate to DM.

Upcoming events (4+)

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