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What we’re about

We are a contemplative nature-based spirituality group that visits wild locations around the greater DC area. We are primarily a Druid/Pagan group, but welcome folks of all spiritual paths, or no path at all.

Join us for hiking, walking, meditations, camping, swimming/wading, plant walks, park cleanups, foraging trips, book groups, sacred chats, workshops, occasional special rituals and other activities.

Visit our website:

Our goals: This organization is formed by our shared desire to: 1) Spend time in natural settings, deepening our personal relationships to the wilds within and without; 2) build a supportive, open community of people who believe in the sacredness of the natural world, the web of life, and the ecosystems that sustain us; 3) cultivate connections across nature-based spiritual traditions in the greater DC-area.

Our core ethos: All are welcome. We recognize the dignity and "person-hood" of all beings. While members need not share in any particular religious beliefs or devotional practices, we do seek to share a deep reverence for the wild world and our place in the web of all things. It is our goal to hold events that allow members to encounter the sacred in nature on their own terms, to deepen their relationships with the unnameable mysteries of the natural world, and to enjoy the fellowship of a warm, open, and active community.

We revere inclusion: The unique tapestry of our inner and outer identities and expressions are some of the most beautiful magic that make up this world we share. However, discrimination against any individuals or groups is not welcome at our events. In particular, white supremacy or white nationalism have no place in our group or our gatherings. Sexism and discrimination against queer, trans, or non-binary persons have no place in our group or at our gatherings. We strive to respect and see all beings as worthy. We welcome and encourage folks to help inform us on ways we might not be living into this reverence and to help educate us on how to be more radically inclusive.