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What we’re about

Wim Hof figured out a way to break into the autonomous nervous system and control his immune system as well as the endocrine system in a way that science and medicine said was impossible. He has proven through scientific studies, that what he knows can be taught to everyone.

The method helps in the following ways :
- reducing stress and anxiety
- Increased athletic performance
- Mental clarity and focus
- Reduced inflammation
- arthritis and auto immune diseases
- PTSD / depression
- a boost to your immune system
- reduces cold hands and feet
- increases endurance
- more energy
- boost to your immune system
- more resistance to altitude sickness (no need for diamox)

I am a certified Wim Hof Instructor and I am looking to grow the Hoffer community in Houston - all community gatherings and workshops for the Wim Hof method will be posted here.