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What we’re about

We started off as a women's wine group, but have grown into so much more. 
Whether you are a wine novice or a wine connoisseur, this is a group for all women. Come join us and "Wine a little" or "Wine a lot", it doesn't matter just as long as you wine. You can be "Earthy", "Complex", "Lean", or "Balanced" come and enjoy meeting new friends, exploring new places and of course enjoying a great glass of wine. 
We also have a Facebook group so we have another way for us to stay connected.  Some people have issues with getting notices on events from Meetup, so I thought this would help.  The FB Group will only be announcing events, but you still will need to go to Meetup to RSVP.
Here is the link to join the private group.

RSVP attendance:
1.  After 3 "No Shows", members will be deleted.  "No Show" is when you have RSVP'd Yes and do not attend or try to contact the organizer.  It is your responsibility to change your RSVP.
2.  I know people get busy with work and other life issues, but people that consistently change their RSVP at the last minute will be put on the waiting list to see if space opens up when the event has limited spaces.  
Welcome to Wine-y Women!!