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What we’re about

Search for the group "Woman Awakened ATX" and please join us there!


We are women who have awakened to our inner Truth. We have done the work to root our security within ourselves, and we walk in alignment with our divine paths. Together, we hold sacred space for the unfolding of our journeys and ALL that we experience along the way.

We are not here to rescue, save, or fix each other, for we are each deeply empowered in ourselves and fully capable of surfing the Flow of Life. Though, we are here to witness and hold each other in supportive community.

We offer each other unconditional love, along with healthy boundaries, and we inspire and encourage each other in the honoring of our individual values and the progression toward our individual goals. As synchronistic opportunities arise, we also occasionally co-create synergistic collaborations.

Events will be held in-person, for that soul-nourishing exchange of physical energy, in spaces that accommodate various factors, like, group size, location, and weather. And our gatherings will vary from slightly structured experiences to purely social recharges.

My name is Mariya Graestone, aka Love Coach Mariya, and I look forward to connecting with you!
