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What we’re about

WomanSong is for any woman or girl who LOVES to sing! Our motto is ‘Laugh, Sing, Belong’ and there is no audition - all are welcome. Sponsored positions are available so don’t let money be a barrier. We meet every Wednesday evening from 7-9pm during school terms at the Richmond CWA Hall, 20 West Market St, Richmond. One of our members Pammy says: ‘It’s funny - most of us think we can’t sing but somehow together, we sound amazing!’ She’s right! So why not come along and join in the fun - it’s always a great time of singing our hearts out, laughing our socks off and meeting friends old and new.
$10/15per week with sponsored memberships available. Contact Suze -

Our next Meetup is Wed 31st January 2018 from 7-9pm at the Richmond CWA Hall, 20 West Market St, Richmond.