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What we’re about

We are the Warriors of Mandalore, a Mandalorian focused Star Wars costuming club, recognized by Lucas Film.

We operate as a non-profit,
with an aimed focus on building community, inspiring children, and sharing the love of our craft and for Star Wars through our costumes.

We attend charity events, conventions, and more.

We’ve also got a ton of great recourses, knowledgeable members, and a loving online community. We are a place you may come to make friends, learn new skills and trades, and in general, we serve as a relieving escape from the daily stresses of life!

Although we are a global costume club, our presence in CO. Springs is still small and growing, but with the passion we know you have for Star Wars, we believe you can help us make the world a better place!

Our events through meetup may entail costume making parties, club round-table meet-ups, member ceremonies, charity events, conventions, movie nights, parades, and more!