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What we’re about

Let's get together and plan adventures that not only transform our inner world, but also the world around us.

Do you feel a call to adventure? Do you know, deep inside that there is more to life? Have you dreamt of seeing more of the world, meeting people in different cultures and and tasting their local cuisines?

Me too! I know what it is like to take care of everyone else and put dreams on hold, wondering if they will ever come true. I used to think that they were only dreams and felt guilty even thinking about them. They felt too big, too scary.

But now I know that it is possible to make these dreams come true! I have taken the leap and stepped out of my comfort zone and have begun the next phase of my journey. I would love to bring you along with me!

The possibilities are endless. From staying in local chalets for a weekend of rest to traveling to the other side of the world and hiking in the hills or biking around the countryside. We will plan group excursions throughout the year based on what the group wants.

Let's do this! It is OUR time now!

Who am I?

Hi! I'm Kim. I am a certified travel counselor with TravelOnly, a Licensed Canadian Travel Agency. I have a passion for adventure, wellness, community and sustainability. I plan travel adventures for people wanting to experience life while making a positive impact in the places they visit by learning about and spending money in those local communities. I work with solo travelers and small groups to design experiences that align with your dreams, values and interests. I can't wait to help you plan YOUR next adventure!