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What we’re about

       "Women of Wisdom" is an idea that I have had since moving back to Fayetteville in 2010.  I want to start this group for women who are wise in thought, character, and manner. Women who are knowledgeable of their worth and  living a life that is full of love with family and friends.  I thought this would be an excellent time to meet other women who are interested in the social, emotional, physical and mental well-being of other 'sistas'. I'd like to meet those who would enjoy it at special get togethers, movies, discussing a good book, celebrating birthdays, going out to dinners, getting on your dancing feet or traveling shoes. I anticipate having a group of women who simply enjoy life.                                                                    Looking to connect to with spirtual/God fearing women who enjoy living life to the fullest; that is the purpose of W.O.W...

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