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What we’re about

Consider the statistics one in three women globally experiences physical or sexual violence130 million girls are denied access to education, and women hold only 25.5% of parliamentary seats worldwide.

Moreover, the persistent wage gap results in women earning approximately 33% less for every dollar, pound or penny earned by men, while health disparities continue, with hundreds of women dying daily from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Women fundraising, though vital, has its challenges. What strategies work best? How do you overcome common hurdles?

Act4Africa is small grass-root charity, our mission is to promote gender justice and support women and girls in Uganda to thrive independently through a transformative and holistic approach to health, education, agriculture and livelihoods.

Thus by creating Act4Africa’s Women Connect Group we hope to inspire our members to support us and fundraise for us by organising fun and innovative events that go a lot deeper than a typical ladies’ night fundraiser.

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