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What we’re about

Hello reader!

This is a women's book club spanning all themes and genres. We meet one Sunday a month and chat over delicious food from a local restaurant. The vibe is laid back and freeform, but be warned: WE WILL discuss the book :) (rumor has it that's not a guarantee at every book club meeting...). Women of all ages are welcome, and every event is usually a mix of new and familiar faces. After each discussion, we decide as a group on the next read, so bring your recommendations -- we'd love to read what you'd love to read!

Past reads include Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Hidden Valley Road, Project Hail Mary, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, and Ali Wong's Dear Girls.

If you're interested in joining, all I ask is that you finish the book in time for meetings (or come prepared to hear spoilers), be respectful in discussions, and keep your RSVPs UP-TO-DATE so that anyone who wants to join can join.

I'm excited to meet you and discuss a new book!