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Questions, Request, Information members can ask other members not just on biking

Photo of Vicky
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Questions, Request, Information members can ask other members not just on biking


Hello Bikers,

This is not a ride but a useful source by members to ask other members info they might need about anything on biking or about anything else.

(Do not pay attention to the date, I just have it on there so that the post stays up. So this post is ongoing.)

These are some example of the different types of question that you could ask if you needed help with something or information (give or get):

Does anyone have a bike to buy or sell?
Does anyone have a (fill in the blank) they want to sell or buy?
Do you know a good financial planner?
Does anyone know how to fix such and such on a bike?
Does anyone know the best product to clean your white handle bar wraps with?
Do you know of any good baby sitters?
Does anyone want to go to a certain concert in the park?
Does anyone know how to work a Garmin bike computer?
Does anyone want to go on a particular ride?
Does the trail to Downtown still have detours?
Or anything else.

So questions might be anything and everything to or from our brilliant, informative, and pretty cool biking members.

So just type any questions on the comment section.

I hope this will be helpful!!

Vicky E.

Photo of Women's Fun Biking (and More!) was Southwest Cycling Social group
Women's Fun Biking (and More!) was Southwest Cycling Social
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