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What we’re about

This circle honors the tradition of women's lodges that indigenous societies around the world have held to provide community and support. We welcome all cis and trans women, as well as non-binary people who are comfortable in a space that centers the experiences of women. The purpose of these circles is to share wisdom and magic and journey to the otherworlds.

We are a committed and extremely diverse group of supportive Wise Women who follow many spiritual paths, and who range in age from teenagers to elders. Prior shamanic journey experience is not required - we will teach you the basics.

A new topic is explored each session, followed by a shamanic drum journey. Our discussion topics are broad-ranging, including such subjects as shamanic dreaming methods, working with auras and energy strands, past-life regressions, working with nature spirits, crystal healing, soul retrieval, and many others.

Our regularly scheduled in-person evening meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at 7:30 PM. We also have periodic Zoom meetings. Our gatherings include ritual circles celebrating the eight major holidays of The Wheel of the Year. Other events, such as nature hikes, labyrinth walks, camping trips, special events such as the Powwow, Celtic Festival and social gatherings also take place from time to time. Membership in this group is free, although we do ask for a love offering of $10 per person (or whatever you can afford) to cover space rental for meetings.

Come join our supportive community for a joyous, life-changing exploration of Spirit! We look forward to meeting you!