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WordCamp Baltimore is just 5 Weeks Away!

From: Anthony D P.
Sent on: Saturday, October 15, 2016, 6:05 PM

Hello Meetup Members!

WordCamp Baltimore is just 5 weeks away and we wanted to share a quick update with the group. WordCamp Baltimore will be held on November 19th & 20th, 2016 at the UMBC IMET building, on the harbor. Tickets are still available and are just $40 for two full days of learning. Purchasing your ticket before October 28th will guarantee you the official WordCamp Baltimore 2016 T-shirt.

We have a fantastic schedule with 34 sessions. There's sure to be something for everyone. If you haven't had a chance to check out the schedule, do so now. New in 2016 is a track targeted to Higher Education and Enterprise users, that you definitely won't want to miss.

If you're in need of a hotel room for the event, we've got you covered! Discounted rooms are available at the Pier 5 hotel for just $169.99 a night. Booking information for the Pier 5 hotel and additional lodging options have been posted. To reserve a room at the discounted rate, you must book no later than Wednesday, October 19th.

Finally, we would like to thank those who have sponsored WordCamp Baltimore. Without the support of our sponsors, this event would not take place. Sponsorship opportunities are still available and needed. If you or your company is interested in supporting WordCamp Baltimore please take a peek at our Call for Sponsors.

Have a question? Let us know.

Your 2016 WordCamp Baltimore Organizing Team
Wes, Anthony, Andrew, Jimmy, and Angelina


Twitter: @WordCampBalt and @BaltoWP

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