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Frybread, tacos, and more on a drizzly weekend

From: Dave
Sent on: Friday, May 2, 2008, 10:22 AM

The forecast for this weekend is gray and wet. World Food Lovers who will be attending Jeanne's French Prix Fixe Dinner will be able to shrug off the weather with a smile, but outdoor events are literally up in the air.

Though these aren't formal meetups for our group, you might be interested in the food-friendly events listed on the home page of my website, Eating In Translation. If the weather clears for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday, I'll jump at the chance to get out of the house; you might want to do the same!

If we don't get together over Native American frybread or Mexican tacos this weekend, hope to see you soon!

Dave Cook, Organizer
The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group

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