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Loads of food-friendly events this weekend!

From: Dave
Sent on: Friday, May 16, 2008, 9:58 AM
As with all such events, it's best to arrive early, and to have a backup plan in case the crowds are too large or the food isn't all you thought it'd be.

Food-friendly events, May 16-18

Looking ahead, the Passport to Taiwan festival will be held on May 25 (Memorial Day weekend) in Union Square Park; the Philippine Independence Day Festiva? and Japan Day will be held a week later; and the Big Apple BBQ and two more meat-intensive events are slated for the weekend after that. (The carnivores in our group will likely head to one or more of those.)

Have fun this weekend, stay dry,

Dave Cook, Organizer
The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group

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