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New organizer for The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group

From: Dave
Sent on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 6:37 PM
Dear World Food Lovers:

During the past three years it's been my privilege and pleasure to serve as the organizer of The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group. I've made many friends and had the opportunity to explore many cuisines and innumerable eateries. As many of you know, I also eat, write, and take photos for my food website ( ), and in the past year or so I've been a frequent contributor to the dining section of The New York Times. Other projects are in the works, too, and of course there are always new neighborhoods to explore and old favorites to revisit, both in the city and farther afield.

To allow me more time for my non-Meetup endeavors, with regret I will step down as organizer of our group, effective January 31. Our longtime assistant organizer Jeanne will take the reins, joined by our assistant organizers Ike, Paula, and Ruby. They've already begun planning new events for you to enjoy; expect to hear from them shortly!

This doesn't mean you've seen the last of me (a man's gotta eat!), only that I'll be joining you less often at the World Food Lover's dining table. And, of course, I'll always welcome news and tips on great street food, snack shops, groceries, markets, fairs and festivals, and restaurants, to share with my readers on Eating In Translation.

Hope to catch up with you soon, best wishes,

Dave Cook
The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group

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