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Remember - the Meetup is at Compusuites!

From: Angie M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 9:26 PM

Hi everyone!

Just a quick reminder that our Meetup is now meeting at the Learning Lab at Compusuites in Upper Arlington. You can get directions here

Also, WordCamp Cincinnati is returning next weekend for its second year this November 11th and 12th at the University of Cincinnati. WordCamp is a local volunteer-organized conference covering all things related to the WordPress software. Connect with other business owners and WordPress enthusiasts, and learn more about how to use WordPress to achieve your personal and business objectives. The event includes multiple tracks of sessions and two WordPress training courses. Tickets are only $40, including admission to all sessions for both days, lunch and snacks, a t-shirt and other WordPress swag, and after-party on Saturday.

To learn more and get your ticket, visit their website at

See you tomorrow!


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