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This Thurday's practice

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 8:28 PM
Dear fellow Cyclones--

This Thursday, in keeping with the instructional focus of the weekday practice, we will be working on the Dresser dump (out of a front headlock) and defending a leg attack with a roll through. Confused? Then come to practice and find out what I'm talking about!

I will be there at 7 sharp to roll out mats. We've been getting a 'gradual' start to our workouts on Thursdays--let's try to get going a little quicker.

Parking is always tough, so try get there early. Or, you might post a request for carpooling. You never know, one of your teammates may live near you.

In any case, I can't wait for Thursday after missing Sunday. See you there!


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