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What we’re about

We are currently looking for a couple of new members. If you're interested, please read the description of who we are and shoot me an email. I'll ask for a writing sample that's representative of your work to pass by the group.

We are a small group of writers (never more than 8) experienced in the art of reading, writing, and critiquing. We're serious, committed, published (or publishable) writers who want the structure of a group to keep us writing, submitting, and publishing.
Most us work in and have at least one degree in a writing-related field. Some of us have advanced degrees, usually MFAs in creative writing. We are a mixed group of poets, fiction, and nonfiction writers. A writing degree certainly helps--everyone is at the same base level of knowledge, if not skill--but a degree isn't a requirement. 
We meet on Tuesday nights at 5:00 p.m. on Zoom these days. Depending on current group members, it might be every Tuesday, twice a month, or once a month--but always on a Tuesday!

Me: I'm a published writer with an MFA in creative nonfiction (memoir and essay mainly but also a little poetry), have taught creative writing, lit, and comp, and do tech writing/editor for a living. I've been writing since I first picked up a pencil about 40+ years ago but have only been serious about my writing for the last 20 or so years.