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What we’re about

Writing group for writers who are starting out writing their first book, or for writers who need a bit of support, accountability and encouragement to write their next book.

Whether you are a business owner who is self-publishing non-fiction as a way to raise your profile, establish your place in your industry, grow your business, and connect with more people or whether you are someone with a story to tell...
Get started by writing a book for leverage, and self expression – without putting the pressure on yourself for 'best-seller’ status... you never know what can come from your book... until you write it.

Writing and self-publishing can be solitary experiences, and these workshops and retreats are designed to let you hear how others have done it; connect you with like-minded people; provide you with information and resources; and keep you inspired and excited about your potential. Remember, isolation is a dream killer... even when actually writing your words is a solitary process... the experience can be one with connection, support, accountability and company. Share your highs, and lows with us... get writing! Then... get selling.