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What we’re about

Welcome to Peace and Knowledge Spiritist Center of Orlando! 

Spiritism makes a lot of sense. You will find that Spirituality, Logic, and Science meet perfectly in it.

If you:

. Are disillusioned with the philosophy or traditional faith of your upbringing;

. Want to find your purpose and meaning of life;

. Want to understand the reasons for life trials and afflictions;

. Have interests such as understanding and/or developing your mediumship;

. Seek personal growth and spiritual evolvement; 

. Just want to make more sense of your life; 

Give Spiritism a try and come to our meetings. You may find them fulfilling and uplifting and at least you may make new friends.


It's an ethical philosophical science that studies the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits as well as their relationship with the material world. Spiritism enhances the quality of life as it makes sense of our experiences. It brings sense to our life as we understand our purpose. It brings us consolation in times of sorrow for it explains the reasons behind our trials. The knowledge Spiritism brings of the afterlife helps us improve our life in the here and now. The present has a new dimension as we become aware that all our actions, great and small, have great impact not only on this very life but also in the life in the spiritual world. With Spiritism hope and optimism are no longer empty words or an article of faith. Spiritism embraces people of all races, cultures, different religions, and backgrounds. You won't need to give up your philosophy or your religion to Spiritism and will never be asked to become a Spiritist. Spiritism is not a new religion. It's just a new perspective on life.


THURSDAYS @ 7:00pm: TALKS - followed by PASSES*

Thursday meetings are comprised of talks, seminars, and workshops.

TUESDAYS -  new classes to be announced: SPIRITISM 101 and MEDIUMSHIP COURSE .

FRATERNAL CARE (talk to someone who cares) - WEDNESDAYS @ 7:00pm.

SPIRITUAL TREATMENTS - prescribed by the Fraternal Care team to those suffering from spiritual disturbances - Mediumnisc meetings are not open to the public.

Need more info? Please TEXT us at (407) 421-0410 or EMAIL us @

- All services are FREE OF CHARGE.

- All Spiritist Practices are gratuitous.

Spiritists are trained spiritual workers who labor in name and act upon superior principles of fraternity.

Our group gathers to study and practice Spiritism as codified by Allan Kardec.


"Passes" are a spiritual therapy. They are dispensed through laying-off hands. The purpose of passes is to cleanse, re-balance, and re-energize our chakras, which are center of energy in our spiritual body.Passes are dispensed on Thursdays after the lecture.We provide treatment to every type of spiritual disturbance through passes and mediumship meetings.

PKSCO is a non-profit organization. It's affiliated with the United States Spiritist Federation and the Spiritist Federation of Florida.

*** Spiritist Centers are NOT churches*** There is no clergy. No rituals. No religious dogmas. No blind faith. Yet, Spiritism moral values are fully founded on Christ's ethics. ***