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What we’re about

XSCALE Sydney forms part of the international XSCALE Alliance.

We're  interested in building uncompromised agile organizations that continuously open bottlenecks to business throughput and learning flow. Self-directing portfolios of self-managing streams of self-organizing teams. Our metaphor is pods of dolphins, not dancing elephants, and our focus includes but isn't limited to:

* Business Agility
* Product Management
* Agile Programming
* SciDevOps

... and anything else related to the six XSCALE Principles at

It doesn't matter if all you know about is Scrum or Design Thinking or Lean. Those are all great things, but agile is also about the Iroquois Great Treaty of Peace, Von Moltke's Mission Command Patterns, Lao Tzu's guide to the agile mindset, Rikyu's Mu Hin Shu learning ecosystem, Goldratt's Throughput Accounting, Stack's Open Book Management, Jobs' Ecosystem Design disciplines, Organization Permaculture and Leadership as a Service ... 

Does all that sound terribly complicated? Don't worry, we focus on one little thing at a time, and despite the high-falutin' names each of these things is really simple. We just call them out to give credit where it's due.

XSCALE Sydney is open to anyone with an open mind, a warm heart, and a healthy desire to solve the problems of our often somewhat less-than-agile organizations ...