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May I invite YOU ALL to another great Yiddish event? [masked] at 2 pm

From: Adela P.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 6:14 PM
Shalom!  I’m a member of the Yiddish-31 meetup, but I got a ticket for a wonderful performance at the Center for Jewish History (details below).  My friends couldn’t make it but I got my ticket online.  I’d love the company of other idn, so if some of you would like to come, let me know so we could coordinate meeting before going in?  And perhaps go for supper afterwards?  Tickets aren’t numbered so we must be there a little before 2pm.  If you plan on buying the ticket at the door, you’ll have to be there much earlier...  :)      Adela

Sunday, January 22, 2 pm

YIVO presents:

When Our Bubbas and Zeydas Were Young

World Film Premiere, Discussion, DVD Release  Follow Di Shekhter-tekhter, accompanied by their Musical Director and father, Binyumen Schaechter, in this film premiere of their one-of-a-kind musical revue. Through a potpourri of characters from the Yiddish songbook, the dynamic duo inspires with themes that are universal and contemporary, such as young love, family relationships and class struggle. Academy Award®-nominated director Josh Waletzky incorporates interviews that provide an insight into this family and their unique mission to share Yiddish with the world. Yiddish with English subtitles.

Admission: $15 general; $10 YIVO members, seniors, students. Click here to purchase tickets.