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Royal Armouries Treasure Trail & Scavenger Hunt - Leeds (RE-RUN)

Photo of Graham
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Royal Armouries Treasure Trail & Scavenger Hunt - Leeds (RE-RUN)


By popular demand.. for all thoes that couldnt join us last time.. a re-run of the epic Royal Armouries Treasure Hunt 2024!

Welcome, noble jesters and armoured adventurers. Step right into a world where swords are more than just pointy fashion accessories and armour is the original power suit – move over, Armani, it's time for chainmail chic!

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a knight in shining armour, well, here's your chance to find out. Spoiler alert: it involves a lot more sweating than you might think, but hey, nothing says "I'm ready for battle" like a well-ventilated suit of plate armour.

Picture yourselves as modern-day sleuths navigating a tapestry of history, where the gleam of ancient swords and the echoes of battles long past provide the backdrop for your cerebral adventure.

So, buckle up (literally), because the Royal Armouries is about to take you on a journey through the ages – where swords were the ultimate status symbol, and chivalry wasn't just a word; it was a lifestyle choice. Whether you're here for the history, the humour, or just to see if you can pull off a suit of armour, you're in for a royal treat! Let the armour-mentary fashion show begin! 🏰✨

So, don your best detective hat, polish your wit like a knight shining his armour, and let the hunt for the Royal Bling commence! May your sense of direction be as sharp as a well-forged sword, and may your laughter echo through the halls of history. Off you go, oh seekers of sparkle, the Royal Armouries awaits your treasure-hunting prowess! 🗝️🏴‍☠️✨

Why not join us at the Royal Armouries coffee shop after, (coffee/tea and cake only £5.50). Yum!

This epic adventure is limited to 40 intrepid explorers, sorry Ralph.. no four legged friends allowed in the Royal Armouries. Boooo!

We will meet at the entrance to the Royal Armouries.

Entry to the Royal Armouries is free, but I will be collecting the usual £3 donation. Any profit will be donated to the Royal Armouries Charity.


As with all events, I am asking for a donation of £3 to be paid on the day. The money raised (after Meetup website costs etc) will be donated to the Royal Armouries Charity.

When you RSVP for this event, you accept that you remain responsible for your own safety at all times. Please respect other attendees and be mindful of the safety of others.

Thank you!

Photo of Yorkshire Trails & Adventures group
Yorkshire Trails & Adventures
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Royal Armouries Museum
Armouries Drive · Leeds
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40 spots left