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What we’re about

Hey there, you vibrant ball of energy! Are you all about soaking up life's adventures with your crew, diving headfirst into those electrifying parties that leave you buzzing for days? Well, buckle up, because you've stumbled upon the ultimate group!

Our mission? To rally the international student squad in Nice and beyond for epic apéro gatherings, wild bar crawls that'll redefine your definition of fun, delving into the underground party scene, and uncovering all the hidden gems our surroundings have to offer. Oh, and did we mention? We're all about planning epic group escapades to soak up the sun-drenched vibes of the south of France!

We're calling out to all you bold souls aged 18 to 30, especially if you're a student with an insatiable thirst for new experiences and off-the-beaten-path adventures ;) Keep your eyes peeled for our next mind-blowing events, and get ready to connect with others who vibe on your wavelength! Let's make memories that'll last a lifetime – see you there!

Upcoming events

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