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What we’re about

Who are we?
We are like minded millennial's who are looking to grow our businesses and make meaningful connections with other young professionals.
Would this benefit you?
Joining will help you develop lasting relationships that allow you to grow personally and professionally. Any business that would benefit from this along with receiving quality referrals and helping sharpen your networking skills would benefit!
What does it cost?
FREE to join with 0 fees! The only cost to this group is your time. We are looking for quality professionals that we can feel confident investing our valuable time in. We only allow one member per industry so it is our job and obligation to the group to make sure that spot is filled with someone dedicated to the group.
Are you Eligible to join?
We are looking to young professionals in every industry! So, if you own a business, recently started one, or are just looking to grow your sphere, we encourage you to reach out! Come check out a meeting and see what we are all about and if it is something that you would be interested in joining!
How to get in touch:
Address: E Bush lake Rd. Bloomington, MN, 55439 (we are in the first floor conference room)
Phone: 612-715-2550
Meeting Times: Every other Wednesday from 7am-8am

Upcoming events (4+)

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