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Dominick's and other suggested events

From: Ted B.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 12:13 PM
Hi all-
I'd like to thank Taryn for making the suggestion that we meet at Dominick's, which seems quite popular. I'm looking into reserving a table sometime in April. (We may have to wait until the undergrads are gone in May -- Dominick's is extremely busy until then, whenever the weather is decent.)

I don't think we'll be able to make this a weekly event, unless some of you are willing to help organize them. Tony and I are too busy to organize meetups every week. :) If you're available to organize a meetup (this involves making the reservation, being there on time to meet everyone, and staying until the end of the event), send me or Tony an email with the day, time, and venue that you are suggesting.

If any of you have further suggestions, please post them at (Please make sure to say in your posting whether you are willing to organize the event that you are suggesting!)

And if you have any feedback in general, please feel free to email me or Tony at

Thanks, and hope to see all of you at the YP Underground on April 1! (Stay tuned for the location and full details.)

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