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What we’re about

Come join our monthly potluck gatherings of plant-based eaters, please bring a dish that is whole-foods plant-based no oil (please no vegan alternatives, vegan processed foods, or even meals with LARGE amounts of nuts and seeds as some who attend are eating lower-fat for health and weight loss purposes). We will meet every 3rd Thursday of the month with locations to be specified under each event. Please RSVP for you and anyone in your family who might be attending. Please remove your RSVP if you are no longer to attend as we will be setting up seating even up to the hour before the event based on the total RSVPs. Feel free to bring themed dishes for the season (fall-inspired dishes, Christmas-inspired dishes, or spring-inspired dishes, etc.). Please also feel welcome to bring cultural dishes or family favorites. We also encourage bringing copies of the recipe you bring so that others who enjoyed your dish can bring the recipe home. Some meetings may have presentations or cooking demonstrations. We are excited to meet you and share a delicious potluck meal with you!
Lucy Luong & Andrew McGoey-Smith

Upcoming events (4+)

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