What we’re about
“The purpose of life is to be restored back to Love, moment to moment. To fulfill this purpose, the individual must acknowledge that he is 100 percent responsible for creating his life the way it is. He must come to see that it is his thoughts that create his life the way it is moment to moment.The problems are not people, places, and situations but rather the thoughts of them. He must come to appreciate that there is no such thing as “out there.”
― Ihaleakala Hew Len (Author of Zero Limits)
Ho'oponopono (pronounced HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no) is a beautiful Hawaiian Prayer for Forgiveness. This ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness serves as both a communication concept for reconciliation and a tool for restoring self-love and balance.
Practicing Ho'oponopono allows you to cut the aka connection in a very positive, loving way, knowing that you can make the connection brand new. Because according to Ho'oponopono, everything that shapes your reality is perceived by your MIND. Your connections and the people around you are affected by your INNER-SELF.
The Ho’oponopono healing comes in 4 basic steps:
1. I’m Sorry
Saying sorry and admitting responsibility is the first part of the healing in Ho’oponopono. ‘I am responsible for anything that has ever happened to me, or anything wrong that I’ve witnessed.’
The first step is just about accepting the fact that all the wrong things started within you.
2. Forgive me
Say, ‘Please forgive me’. It is a form of asking an apology from the universe, it doesn’t matter that you have wronged or not, it is a cleansing method that removes negativity. Asking for forgiveness is a healing method in Ho’oponopono that helps you move on in life.
3. Thank you
Keep saying thank you repetitively. Gratitude towards the universe is an important part of the healing process in Ho’oponopono. Saying thank you for all the forgiveness, thank you for all the change within you, thanks to yourself for being who you are. Gratitude is a powerful emotion and must be said again and again to bring in the fresh air of positivity.
4. I love you
Say I love you to yourself, to god, to your body, to the sheltering house you live in, to your surroundings. Love is a powerful emotion, with love comes layers of warmth and security. Giving love is a caring and affectionate emotion that accelerates the healing process in Ho’oponopono.
Our mission- through specialized guided meditation or life- coach sessions, is dedicated to the special care of its life seekers by helping them to find truth and healing within, receive greater enlightenment and awareness, and change the thought processes and behaviors that no longer serve them.
Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs affect our health and well-being.
Our mind, body, and spirit are intertwined, so all are affected by what resides within.
False beliefs and negative emotions, therefore, cause suffering until we learn how to identify and overcome them.
We welcome all souls who wish to work on improving
- relationships
overcoming anxiety, depression, and
addictions: healing from abuse, forgiveness, gratitude, trauma & more.
Through this group, we will connect, exchange experiences and knowledge with new and seasoned Ho'oponopono healing practitioners or life coaches in a safe & supportive environment.
In these meet-ups, we will also learn how to access our heart's guidance in daily life and find a spiritual solution to every life problem or issue.
You will learn:
- How to differentiate between heart and brain guidance
- How to find solutions to all problems in our daily life no matter what the problem is.
- Learn how to "Open your Heart" to replace all baggage with Love & Light
- Be more peaceful, calm, loving & compassionate in daily life
- Learn to meditate joyfully without effort
- Learn to see the world and others from your heart rather than your brain
- Understand about your real spiritual journey and why we are here in this Earth?
- Deepen your meditation and healing abilities
- Learn about different levels of consciousness (brain, soul and spirit)