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What we’re about

Welcome to "Holistic Horizons,", an innovative event series based in Zürich and founded by medical doctors and experts in wellbeing that fuses age-old wisdom with the latest advancements in wellbeing and longevity.
Central to our philosophy, inspired by the Surf Your Life Institute, is the mastery of personal rhythms in health and beyond !

Everyone who is interested in a fulfilling and healthy life is very welcome.
If you are already a biohacking expert, healthcare professional or a newcomer in the field of wellbeing and personal health.

This series stands out for its comparative approach. We not only present but also critically compare various products, techniques, and services in the wellbeing and health sector, including apps, supplements, health subscription programs, and diagnostic tools. Attendees gain a comprehensive understanding of the available options and their benefits and can experience them live at our events!

Incorporating interactive workshops like breathwork, ceremonies ( cacao, tea, singing, meditation, and more ) we offer a complete experience of learning and hands-on practice.
A possible Membership in the Surf Your Life Institute opens doors to deeper exploration into personal health, along with exclusive discounts on events, personalized health diagnostic, supplements, coaching or retreats.

Join us at "Holistic Horizons" for a unique journey into the realms of traditional and contemporary health practices, where you can directly experience and evaluate the latest innovations in health and longevity.

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