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[Free] Community Day: Bring-A-Bottle, August

Photo of Joe Benvenuto
Hosted By
Joe B.
[Free] Community Day: Bring-A-Bottle, August


Join us at the Zürich Wine Academy – where every sip tells a story and every connection is uncorked with joy! 🥂🌟

Are you a wine enthusiast or wine professional in Zürich looking to expand your palate and connect with fellow wine enthusiasts? Look no further! Join us at the Zürich Wine Academy's Open House: Bring-A-Bottle Community Day – an unforgettable evening of tastings, insights, and the joy of building lasting connections within the vibrant world of wine.

BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle): In the spirit of sharing, we invite each participant to bring a bottle of their favorite wine. As the evening unfolds, the communal sharing ensures a diverse selection to delight your palate. Whatever remains is yours to savor at home. For those who feel comfortable, you can share something about your bottle and why you brought it to the event!

Complimentary Apero: We will offer a complimentary spread of meats, cheeses and other bites to enhace your bonding time and wine learning journey.

🚋 Convenient Location: Located at Werdstrasse 8, 8004 Zürich, the Zürich Wine Academy is conveniently situated just 50 meters from the Stauffacher tram station, ensuring you have an easy commute from work and back home.

🎟️ Secure Your Spot Today! This is a unique opportunity to indulge your senses and connect with Zürich's vibrant wine community. RSVP for an evening of wine, laughter, and unforgettable connections.

Photo of Zürich Wine Academy - Zurich Meetup group
Zürich Wine Academy - Zurich Meetup
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