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What we’re about

歡迎來到超越區塊鏈:重新構想可能性小組! 我們致力於探索最新的技術,重點關注網頁開發、知識共享、技術新創以及超越傳統界限或限制的舉措,鼓勵創造性思維和探索新的可能性。 加入我們,與志同道合、熱衷於創新並在台北培育充滿活力的科技社群的人建立聯繫。 無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的專業人士,這都是交流想法、向專家學習並保持尖端技術前沿的完美平台。 讓我們共同建構未來!

Welcome to the Beyond the Block: Reimagining Possibilities Meetup Group! This group is all about exploring the latest advancements in technology, with a focus on web development, sharing knowledge, technology startups, and initiative that goes beyond traditional boundaries or limitations, encouraging creative thinking and exploration of new possibilities. Join us and connect with like-minded individuals passionate about innovation and fostering a vibrant tech community in Taipei. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned professional, this is the perfect platform to exchange ideas, learn from experts, and stay at the forefront of cutting-edge technology. Let's build the future together!

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