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Santa for A Senior Results for 2008

From: Benjamin W.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 6:00 PM
Generous attendees at Ethical Culture Meetings contributed $243 in
2008 to our "Santa For A Senior" box which we passed around at every

Today, we delivered 6 gift cards of $40
each to the Campbell Senior Center for 6 individuals they identified
as isolated and in need. Five gift cards were for Safeway for food,
and one was for Kohl's for clothing. Casey at the Senior Center
arranged for someone to take the Kohl's recipient shopping for warm
clothing. The cards will be delivered to the recipients at the
nutrition program lunch on Monday and Tuesday. We enclosed a holiday
card with best wishes from the Ethical Culture Society of Silicon
Valley with each gift card.

I hope you share with us the good feeling that comes from
contributing these gifts to seniors in need. Helping others is the
essence of Ethical Culture.

We tried hard to find THE Santa For A Senior organization that we
worked through last year, but weren't successful. So, we called
several local senior centers and got a quick and receptive response
from Campbell. They identified folks in need and happily received our
contributions. We were pleased with how this "plan B" worked out!

At the Ethical Action meeting on Sunday, January 4, we will discuss
how to proceed with this project or even if we should do this again,
in 2009. Please join us in that discussion.

Happy Winter Solstice and every other holiday of winter!

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