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Full house again!

From: Paul C.
Sent on: Saturday, April 18, 2015, 9:26 AM

You guys are killing me with kindness. In the last 24 hours over a bunch of people RSVP'd and now we are officially packed. That's not the word the fire marshal would use but we are definitely stuffed, packed, crammed and jammed.

You know how sometimes you get a cup of coffee that's too full to move so you have to bend down and slurp a little so you can get the lid on? That's kinda where we are right now.

While I am basking in all this storytelling love I do want to let everyone know that there won't be enough chairs for everyone this time. Roy Street always brings on an extra barista for these nights so you'll be well supplied with coffee and food (Their staff have excellent depth perception. I've never had a cup of coffee that was too full to move) but there may not be a place to sit and enjoy them.

If you aren't comfortable sitting really close to people you don't know you might want to skip this one and come next month. I know. It's killing me to say this. Roy Street is nervous about the fire codes and if you've walked by the show around 8pm lately you'll know why. It really is packed in there.

Now that I've said all that I do want to say that if you've got a story to tell I absolutely want you to come out and tell it. The show doesn't happen if people don't get up and tell stories. I know we've got at least one or two first-timers who are going to tell so you won't be alone :)

Thanks for the all the interest in FGS. No matter how many people show up it's going to be fun. Here's the official invite if you want to see what this month's theme is:


Send me an email if you have any questions.



[address removed]

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