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RE: [HRKayaking] Member dues/cold weather paddling

From: Steve C.
Sent on: Friday, February 1, 2013, 9:49 AM
What webpage do we go to to pay?

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 1:26 PM, chuck wrote:

Hey Paddlers!

I've had a couple inquiries about member dues, so here's how it works.

If you have paid before, the date you paid is your member 
number-yyyy/mm/dd.  If your date is over a year ago, it's time to renew!

If you haven't paid your dues, just go to the homepage and click the 
"Pay Online" button.  Simple as that!

Don't be fooled by the unseasonably warm days and go paddle 
unprotected.  The water is still really cold and a swim could kill.  
Dressing in layers will just make you die of hypothermia with 
waterlogged clothing, you really need neoprene or a drysuit.  If you get 
too warm, take off your hat or gloves, splash a little water in your 
face, or drink some cold water.  And don't forget to wear your life 

I have some volunteer opportunities available for paddlers, with Team 
River Runner-Virginia Beach.  They take wounded warriors and their 
family members paddling as part of their healing process.  We are 
putting on a racing point series this year and will need people to help 
with registration, timing, sponsorship/fundrais­ing, and to act as safety 
boaters on race courses.  Contact me directly if you want to be a part 
of this.

For those who have considered competitive paddling but haven't quite 
gotten there, this is going to be the best year ever.  There will be at 
least ten local races to take part in.  They will be on our calendar 






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