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Re: [MelbJVM] JVM experiences on ARM

From: Toby C.
Sent on: Friday, February 14, 2014, 3:29 PM
On 14 February[masked]:22, Marius Gleeson <[address removed]> wrote:
Looks like the BeagleBoneBlack will be a good way to go for java based apps as it uses the ARMv7. Pity that they are out of stock till april!

Yeah, The Cortex A8 (ARMv7) in the BBB is significantly faster than the raspberry pi - I guess the faster memory helps too.
I only have the Beaglebone White, but that was still nearly four times as fast as the Pi.

The BBB has been selling like hotcakes; places tend to get a few thousand in stock and then sell out a week later. is getting a tonne of them in stock in mid march, but half are already allocated to backorders. If you want one, I'd recommend putting one on backorder now, rather than waiting for them to come into stock -- because they probably won't have any left after backorders by then.


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