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Meetup Cancelled: May Scrum Professionals - San Mateo Meetup

From: Laura M. P.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 11:12 AM

Dear Awesome Scrum Professionals,

In the spirit of sustainable pace and all things agile - we have made the decision to cancel the May Scrum Professionals (San Mateo) Meetup.  It really wasn't our intention to have to cancel another one of our get togethers.  We so love spending time with you - talking shop.

And then we realized that the time machine is acting up and we're still iterating on the ability to be in two places at the same time. In other words -our calendars are maxed out.  So we are giving you back this evening in May.  We'll see you in June with bells on!

Rock on,

Chris, Cathy, Betty & Laura

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