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What we’re about

The Startup School (co-named Silicon Valley Startup Founders) Meetup is being rebooted and re-energized to bring you a new era of startup topics and new information that you've never seen before in a cool 23rd century science fiction theme!

The Meetup will be more code and coder centric though you don't have to be an expert to get value from this Meetup. Coders of all experiences are welcome: students, the "code curious", hobbyists, self-taught and bootcampers as well as those with university Computer Science degrees. The only requirement is to be able to code a little. If you can't even code a little, take the Node.js Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Node in 1 Hour by Programming with Mosh at and then you'll be ready.

You can expect sessions on:

(1) Startup Basics for Coders regular presentation;
(2) How to Start Solo special presentation;
(3) How to Get Customers special presentation;
(4) How to Code in a Startup special presentation;
(5) How to Get Investors special presentation;

... and a whole bunch more!

This meetup is now sponsored by Startup School for Coders. Join for FREE at:

This Meetup is in good hands and will prosper and live long to go beyond where it has gone before!