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New Meetup: June special meeting

From: David W. C.
Sent on: Monday, June 7, 2010, 4:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Astral Projectors of Las Vegas!

What: June special meeting

When: Sunday, June 20,[masked]:00 PM

3081 Maryland Parkway The Party Room
Las Vegas, NV 89119

One of the reasons people learn and use astral projection is for communicating
with a lost loved one. Even if this is not one of your particular reasons, we highly
recommend this next meeting. We may have, and I must emphasize may have,
someone who can help facilitate this. Such an experience if in fact it happens
for you at the meeting, may also help facilitate your ability to go out-of-body and
get back!! In your RSVP please indicate whether you do have such a lost loved
one, give the first name only and no other info, or if you do not, simply say N/A.

Just to update everyone, we have had a very interesting suggestion to move
the experiential meetings to the Center for Spiritual Learning near UNLV which
we are seriously considering. If any of you have been there please send your

And a very important reminder!!! Sign up for the free gnostic online AP
course which will start on July 12! We will discuss each meeting the next Sunday
after so the July meeting will take place on Sunday July 18. Now if you need
the website, check the message board or email the mysterious
<[address removed]> and you will receive
a timely reply I am told on the highest of authority.

Again seating is limited so RSVP for the June meeting ASAP!


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