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From: Jane E.
Sent on: Thursday, October 17, 2013, 4:45 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Friday, October 18,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Stone Creek
140 E 27th St. (3/Lex)
New York, NY 10011

This Meetup repeats on the 3rd Friday of every month.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

We have added this review to the Meetup site:


The Washington DC-based Secular Coalition of America says about this filmmaker:


"Jeremiah Camara is an author, international speaker, activist and documentary filmmaker. He is the author of the booksHoly Lockdown: Does the Church Limit Black Progress? andThe New Doubting Thomas: The Bible, Black Folks & Blind Belief. Camara received national attrention during his appearances on the Michael Baisden Show. Camara is the creator of the acclaimed video series Slave Sermons, which addresses the perils of religious intoxication and the consequences of being theologically conditioned to rely upon supernaturalism and divine intervention to deal with critical issues.  In 1989, Camara created a video documentary titledPsychological Wars, which examined subliminal messages in sitcoms, cartoons and commercials that negatively impacted the psyche of African Americans.

Currently, Camara has produced a full-length documentary film fitled CONTRADICTION, which explores the impact of religious loyalty and how an unyielding commitment to belief in an omniscient and omnipotent being is affecting society, particularly the African American segment.


There is a peculiar consistency that one cannot help but notice when riding through predominately African American neighborhoods in most major cities in the U.S. Black communities are saturated with churches, and the abundance of  churches co-exists in the midst of impoverishment, despondency and deprivation on countless levels.  The question is, if the presence of god allegedly dwells withing these "holy" facilities, why are the surrounding areas laden with so many social issues?  If god answers all things and if praise, worship, belief and love for god are prerequisites for prosperity, then why are Blacks collectively in such an unprosperous position? This analysis is the crux of the film.



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