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First Ever MTA Developer Unconference - May 5th

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, May 3, 2010, 4:42 AM
Hi Open New Yorkers,

Please see this invitation from Sarah Kaufman at the MTA:


I'm happy to announce that the MTA is hosting its first-ever
Unconference for Developers. Here are the details:

To foster collaboration between the MTA and the developer
community, an MTA Unconference for developers will hosted by
Google at their Manhattan office on May 5, 2010, from 6:30 to
10 PM. New MTA data sets will be released and data
representatives from all MTA agencies will be on hand to answer

Speakers will include:

- Jay Walder, Chairman and CEO, MTA
- Derek Gottfrid, Senior Software Architect / Product
Technologist, The New York Times
- Bernhard Seefeld, Senior Product Manager, Google Maps
- Nick Grossman, Director of Civic Works, OpenPlans (formerly
The Open Planning Project)
- Moderated by Anil Dash, Entrepreneur and Director of Expert

Dinner will be served.

Program Highlights:

- Release of new data sets
- Panel discussion about the current landscape and future of
open Transportation data and development in the New York region
- Breakout sessions with topics chosen by attendees
- A special announcement you won't want to miss!


Please register here:

There is no cost to attend, but space is limited. Applications
to attend the MTA Unconference must be received no later than
12:01 AM on Friday, April 30th. Your application does not
guarantee attendance. Reservation confirmations, including
program details, will be emailed on April 30th.

If you're a developer and not already participating in the MTA
developer community, please join our Google Group at

Follow news about the MTA Unconference on Twitter at #mtadev.

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group are also in: