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NYC Digital launches

From: BetaNYC
Sent on: Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 2:55 PM

Friends of betaNYC,

For the next three weeks, betaNYC's weekly hacknight are going on a brief vacation. We will be back at the end of July with another Citi Bike hacknight < >. Join the waiting list for tickets.


In the meantime, NYC Digital just launched a series of "listening" meetups. You might recall we hosted one in February with the NY Tech Meetup. Now that the City is doing their own round, we should attend! For the next round, the City is focusing on Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and SI. I hope you can rally 5 of your friends to attend. These meetings are SUPER important!


Have a safe and wonderful 4th of July!

BetaNYC Organizing Team

- Noel & Ashley


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