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Re: [betaNYC] Infrastructure advice for D3/Leaflet Visualization

From: Francis G.
Sent on: Friday, January 16, 2015, 3:38 PM
I'd just use an s3 bucket. It's going to be the cheapest and most performant hosting around. If you want a CDN cloudfront (without SSL) is also dirt cheap and works great with S3.

I often use route53 for my registrar and dns and that makes it really simple to integrate. Even if you don't it's a simple as a CNAME.


Francis Gulotta
[address removed]

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Murray <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi All,

I am working on a visualisation that I plan to release in the next few weeks.

It utilizes D3/Leaflet based on static CSV's - the first CSV is loaded when the page loads, and is 3MB (30,000 rows) and another can be loaded if you want an extra level of detail, and is 5MB (300,000 rows).

A future version of the App might use a SQL database for JSON calls for detailed rollovers, but for now, I am only using the data in the CSV's.

I don't have that much experience with app deployment (beyond Hostmonster static HTML and Wordpress sites, or corporate n-tier apps), so I wanted to ask for some advice on the best ways to deploy this.

- Should I deploy the CSV's to a CDN, or use a cache, if so, any recommendations?
- What about serving the HTML, JS, CSS - would a host monster site be OK, or should I be looking at something like an AWS instance, Heroku, Google App Engine etc

From my point of view, I'd prefer not to have to install any software on a server - I could probably manage this, but I'd rather have a managed service that could scale if I have to.

I'm optimistically hoping for some interest generated by my visualisation, so I'd like to make sure it performs well, but I need to do this on a (personal) budget.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Murray Cox

[address removed]

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